Alizé Organisation Paris

Aérodrome 78117 Toussus le NobleYvelines

Offers of Helicopter Flights near Toussus le Noble


Helicopter tour Chevreuse Valley 20 mins
Helicopter tour Chevreuse Valley 20 mins
1 Booking Verified
340€ 47% from


First Flight in a Helicopter - 20 Min Yvelines
First Flight in a Helicopter - 20 Min Yvelines
1 Booking Verified


Toussus le Noble Helicopter Baptism - 24 minutes
Toussus le Noble Helicopter Baptism - 24 minutes
1 Booking Verified

Description of Alizé Organisation Paris

Alizé Organization Paris lets you discover the secrets of the helicopter!

You will be welcomed from January to October by appointment at the Toussus le Noble aerodrome, to discover the world of the helicopterin:

  • Introduction to piloting flights: the introductory flight to piloting a helicopter will welcome anyone under 1m85. After a briefing by a professional, you leave for a flight of around 25 minutes in dual control.
  • Discovery piloting courses: the one-day course will give you the basics of helicopter piloting.

    During the morning, and after coffee, you will discover the history, theory and generalities about the world of the helicopter: Aerodynamics, family of rotary wing machines, Navigation, Meteorology…

    The afternoon will be dedicated to practice. You fly dual-command with an experienced professional, and receive a diploma at the end of the day!

Take control withAlizé Organization Paris!

Helicopter Flights Helicopter Flights Île-de-France Helicopter Flights Yvelines Helicopter Flights Toussus le Noble

Useful information

12 years Advertised on Yumping
