ACCH Vauville waits for you in North Cotentin to discover or rediscover the pleasure ofsailing.
The members of the ACCH Vauville ( Aéroplage Club Cherbourg Hague) are above all sand yachting enthusiasts. If you share this passion, don’t hesitate to join them! They provide members with a few sand yachts of different categories, and also welcome people who have their own equipment.
The club, open all year round, offers you a 9 kilometer beach. An ideal spot for sand yachting. Hard, regular sand, perfect wind conditions and deserted beach, you will be able to practice in optimal conditions!
Please note that there is no equipment rental for non-members.
Do not hesitate to contact them for any further information on their sand yachting activities.
ACCH Vauville, a simple pleasure, at high speed on the beaches of Calvados.
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