Paintball 61, sport and strategy will be the masters of your games with friends.
In order to give you the opportunity to play fun and risk-free games, the equipment is made available to you.
A launcher, a protective mask and a barrel cap are the three main ingredients in the recipe for a successful game. You are advised to bring clothing suitable for outdoor sports, covering your arms and legs for added protection.
You can organize your matches on four fields with specific characteristics. These have been studied and fitted out with different obstacles which optimize the progress of the games.
These terrains are not fixed, that is to say they evolve over time to bring you ever more satisfaction.
It’s up to you to go discover them now, and have a pleasant time in joy and good humor.
You will be won over… why not organize a game next weekend with Paintball 61?
Paintball Normandy
Paintball Orne