Ecole de Parapente de l'Obiou

13 La loubière 38710 Saint-Jean-d'HéransIsère

Offers of Paragliding near Saint-Jean-d'Hérans


Paragliding discovery tour in Isère - 10 min
Paragliding discovery tour in Isère - 10 min
4 Bookings Verified
5.00 (1 review)


Paragliding flight sensations in Isère - 30 min
Paragliding flight sensations in Isère - 30 min
4 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 95 Days
3.00 (1 review)


Paragliding flight in Isère - 20 min
Paragliding flight in Isère - 20 min
3 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 75 Days

Description of Ecole de Parapente de l'Obiou

Obiou Paragliding School awaits you in a wild and preserved corner of Isère so that you can enjoy the best flights.

The geographical location of the flight sites chosen by the School provides the optimal aerological conditions for paragliding, both for beginners and experienced paragliders.

You will be welcomed on the Trièves plateau, and will be able to discover and why not learn paraglidingin the company of professional enthusiasts:

  • Two-seater flight : spend yourparagliding baptismor discover the different flight possibilities in the landscapes of Isère. Awakening, discovery, pleasure, sensation or ecstasy, different tandem flights of varying durations await you for a personalized experience.
  • Training: training is organized in several courses depending on your level, from your first steps to improvement towards autonomy. These sessions last around 5 days. However, the school can also provide you with tailor-made services.

Come and enjoy the sensations of paragliding and the landscapes of the Trièves plateau with the Obiou Paragliding School! You can contact them for any further information.

Paragliding Paragliding Rhone-Alpes Paragliding Isère

Useful information

11 years Advertised on Yumping
