Belvès Aeroclub takes you to the heights of Périgord Noir in a microlight.
Savor the pleasure of feeling free as air and flying like a bird in the Dordogne sky.
Above the Valley, you will have the opportunity to contemplate the castles, medieval villages and the nature of the region: landscapes shaped by men and by time throughout history.
The ULM flight is a magical experience, so unforgettable that it pushes many people to repeat the experience. The beginning of a passion that will perhaps lead you to ulm pilot training.
The club is made up of 4 ULM instructors, passionate about flight and teaching! They will be delighted to introduce you to and help you practice ulm flying, and will welcome you in a friendly atmosphere.
Do not hesitate to contact them for free information if you have any questions!
Belvès Aeroclub, Live your ULM passion!
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